Two Bicycles

13 nov 2011 by Søren Lund Korsgaard, No Comments »

Ken­der du det, at det har været gråvejr hele dagen, og så lige plud­se­lig bry­der solen igen­nem et hul i sky­er­ne, og du tæn­ker ved dig selv, at det hele nok skal gå?

Sådan lyder Two Bicyc­les. Et side­pro­jekt fra man­den bag Teen Daze. Voka­len og gui­ta­ren er badet i ekko, rum­klang og mild distor­tion på den flot­te demo In Betwe­en.

Two Bicyc­les — In Betwe­en (demo) (Right cli­ck to download)

Two Bicyc­les — In Betwe­en — 01 In Betwe­en Demo

Anden demo A Dream Of Hea­ven And Water kan du pas­sen­de afspil­le, når du er på vej i seng. Det er nem­lig en yderst drøm­men­de og søvn­dys­sen­de sag — på den gode måde forstås.

Two Bicyc­les — A Dream Of Hea­ven And Water (demo) (Right cli­ck to download)

Two Bicyc­les — A Dream Of Hea­ven And Water


Neden­for kan du også strea­me album­met The Holy Forest, hvor skøn­hed og melan­ko­li går hånd i hånd. Melan­ko­li­en skyl­des noget helt kon­kret. Two Bicyc­les fortæller:

The Holy Forest is a record that I wro­te and recor­ded in under 24 hours.

The idea behind the record was to tell the story of a pie­ce of land that was qui­te dear to my heart. Behind my parent’s hou­se was a moun­tain­si­de forest that was full of won­der and inspira­tion. One after­noon some fri­ends and I were wan­de­ring aro­und it when we came upon a huge clea­ring, almost 200 feet wide. The tre­es gave way to huge stal­ks of uncut grass, and a hid­den cove, com­ple­te with a loo­m­ing rock face. Peop­le had defi­ni­te­ly discove­red it befo­re we had, what with the discar­ded car bat­te­ri­es and rusted out bed fra­mes. Some peop­le saw it as a dump; we saw an oasis. For that sum­mer, this pla­ce beca­me my esca­pe. I’d go to the mea­dow to think, to take in the sun, and to go be imag­i­na­ti­ve. It instant­ly beca­me a muse, inspi­ring me to wri­te count­less songs and other works. 

Once the sum­mer ended, and I left home to go back to school, my parents told me that the forest was being cut down to make way for a hou­sing deve­l­op­ment. A total Fern Gul­ly expe­ri­en­ce. I was sad­de­ned to think that a pla­ce of such myste­ry and won­der would be repla­ced with she­er effi­ci­en­cy and logic. Peop­le need pla­ces to live right? Per­haps, but at what cost.”

På album­met The Oce­an dyr­ker Two Bicyc­les en mere atmos­fæ­risk, ambi­ent side af  sit udtryk uden vokal. Igen vil jeg cite­re Two Bicyc­les, da jeg ikke kan beskri­ve det bedre:

The record tells the story of a night spent at sea. The beauty and hope that comes with the wat­ching of the sun set, swim­m­ing in the moon­light and look­ing back at life back on land in fond­ness and hap­pi­ness. But as the night falls, and the end­less oce­an reve­als itself as the cha­o­tic, exi­lic wil­der­ness, the main cha­ra­cter begins to feel iso­la­ted and on edge. The oce­an can bring both opti­mism and fear, hope and loneliness.”



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